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Consortium of European Social Science Data Archives

Logging Guidelines


CESSDA software components must implement structured logging format in JSON to makes it easier for querying and reading of logs.

Software components must log each message in a single line of the stream to stdout.

Logging scope should generally be:

  • All exceptions
  • Validation failures
  • Authentication failures if caused bugs or external problems
  • System events
  • Any high-level functionalities and operations

Desist from logging the following:

  • Sensitive personal data
  • Duplicated messages of the same failure
  • Regular data changes
  • Application source code

Use the logging level WARN as the default.

Parameterise logs when necessary for logs clean-up and allow for variables when needed. See example below.

Contextualise log messages when necessary for easy log correlation. See example below.


The intention of this guideline is to help Developers ensure that component logging:

  • is consistent within an application
  • is consistent across CESSDA’s product portfolio
  • uses industry standards and best practice where relevant

so the logged event data can be consumed, correlated, analysed and managed by CESSDA’s central logging system.

Purpose of logging

Logging output from CESSDA application components is important and brings benefits to the following groups of people:

  • CESSDA Platform team: Provide detail evidence of problems so they can help Developers to resolve issues
  • Developers: Allows code execution tracing without the use of a debugger


Depending on the programming language, developers may choose any logging client or logging framework that suits them. It must be properly defined in each of the classes that performs logging.

For example, the CESSDA Data Catalogue (CDC) harvester component (implemented in Java) uses Logback. An example from the CDC harvester component is shown below:

public class ConsumerScheduler {
  public void weeklyFullHarvestAndIngestionAllConfiguredSPsReposRecords(){"Once a Week Full Run. Triggered by cron - STARTED");

Log levels

The default log level for CESSDA is WARN.

This communicates to the Platform support team that this message needs some kind of attention. In such a scenario, an issue will be created in the GitHub issue tracker for resolution. Below is the example from the CDC harvester component:

log.warn("Could not parse RecordIdentifier lastModifiedDate");

Parameterise logging and fields creation

Most frameworks provide parameterised logging capabilities. Parameterised logging allows Developers to specify parameters in log statements which will be evaluated only if the log is actually processed. CESSDA recommends that Developers choose a logging framework that implements parameterisation. In SLF4J Logger, it is indicated in the logging statement with a string {}. This allows a more readable syntax than concatenating strings. It also yields better performance as the string will only be concatenated when required.

It should be also possible to choose a framework that allows extra fields (key-value pairs) to be created to allow for flexibility and easy ingestion into the logging system. Below is an example:"BulkIndexing repo [{}] with lang code [{}].", value("repo_name", repo.getName()), value("lang_code", lang));


Creating a log message to indicate what is happening to a block of code is very important. Indicate what the operation is attempting to do, what object it is trying to act on and why that is required. For instance, when logging exceptions, indicate the operation failure, the objects that it acts on and detail the exception so the stack-trace can be logged.

Below is an example of good exception logging:

log.error("[{}] Failed to get StudyId [{}]: {}: {}",
  value(LoggingConstants.STUDY_ID, studyNumber),
  value(LoggingConstants.OAI_ERROR_CODE, exception.getCode()),
  value(LoggingConstants.OAI_ERROR_MESSAGE, exception.getErrorMessage()),

The message text explains the failure and includes all relevant information. The name of the repository, the Study ID, the code and optional message are logged. Finally, the exception is attached allowing for the full stack trace to be printed.

See logging overview for additional background information.