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Consortium of European Social Science Data Archives

Naming Conventions

The naming conventions for products are designed to increase consistency across documentation and between the development, staging and production deployments with the aim of increasing the usability of the build, test and deployment scripts.



Workloads and Services

Workloads and services/ingress names generally follow the same pattern and are composed of two parts. The prefix is the lowercase product name abbreviation (e.g. cdc-, cvs-, dvs-, eqb-) or lowercase functional abbreviation (mgmt-, monitoring-). The main part is the name of the component (e.g. certbot, mailrelay, reverse, osmh-indexer).

So the pattern looks like this

  • Management tools: mgmt-${component_name} (e.g. mgmt-certbot, monitoring-prometheus)
  • CDC: cdc-${component_name} (e.g. cdc-osmh-indexer)
  • CVS: cvs-${component_name} (e.g. cvs-reverse)
  • DVS: dvs-${component_name} (e.g. dvs-mailrelay)
  • EQB: eqb-${component_name} (e.g. eqb-frontend)


Namespaces are used to group the components of a product within a cluster, whist isolating them from components of other products. Namespaces are named for the product they contain, in the form of ${product_name}, e.g. cdc, cvs, dvs, eqb, monitoring. The exception to this is management tools, which for historical reasons use the cessda-mgmt namespace. So a cluster typically has multiple namespaces.


Clusters are named to reflect the various deployment environments. Simple names are used, using the template ${environment}-cluster. The cluster names chosen are:

  • development-cluster
  • staging-cluster
  • production-cluster
  • management-cluster

Storage / Persistent Volume Claims

Names of persistent volumes track the names of the tools that they serve using the template ${product_name}-${component_name}-pvc. If multiple volumes are used, the naming convention ${product_name}-${component_name}-${function}-pvc is used.

The naming conventions of persistent volumes managed by stateful sets are defined by Kubernetes.

Configuration / Secrets

Names of ConfigMaps and Secrets are of the form ${product_name}-${component_name}-configmap and ${product_name}-${component_name}-secret.


Subdomains are in the form of ${subdomain} The subdomain is not the same as the ${product_name}, i.e. for the CESSDA Data Catalogue the subdomain is datacatalogue, whereas the ${product_name} is cdc.

For development and staging environments, the ${subdomain} has -dev or -staging appended (e.g.