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Consortium of European Social Science Data Archives

Adding the Build Jenkinsfile


See Naming Conventions.


The Jenkinsfile must be added to the root of the repository. This is the only place that Jenkins will search for the file. A Jenkinsfile will always start with a pipeline object that encapsulates the entire job. The form is shown here:

pipeline {
    ... // All pipeline configuration and steps

The first block of significance is the environment block which defines any variables that will be used when building the Docker image. The product and the module name are defined here. The product is the overall application and the module is a specific component of the application.

environment {
    productName = "mgmt"
    componentName = "coffeepot"
    // The branch name is filtered to remove invalid Docker tag characters
    imageTag = "${env.DOCKER_ARTIFACT_REGISTRY}/${productName}-${componentName}:${env.BUILD_NUMBER}"

The env.DOCKER_ARTIFACT_REGISTRY references an environment variable set by Jenkins that points to the Docker registry. The image tag uniquely identifies each build, and is based off the source branch and build number. Unique tags are used in production environments to set the deployed component version.

The next step is to define the agent that the build will run on. This can be done globally for the entire pipeline, or per stage. The default agent is specified using the syntax agent any. See the Example Jenkinsfile for more variations on how to configure agents.

The stages used to build the component are defined next. For example, for the coffee-api the first stage is building the Docker image. The build of the component has been defined in a Dockerfile. This build is run with the following command.

stage("Build Docker Image") {
    steps {
        echo "Building Docker image using Dockerfile with tag"
        sh "docker build --tag=${imageTag} ."

A second stage is used to add a tag to the image. Before pushing the Docker image, the gcloud auth configure-docker command must be run to gives Docker permission to push the image to the CESSDA Docker registry.

stage('Push Docker image') {
    steps {
        sh "gcloud auth configure-docker ${env.ARTIFACT_REGISTRY_HOST}"
        sh "docker push ${imageTag}"
        sh "gcloud container images add-tag ${imageTag} ${env.DOCKER_ARTIFACT_REGISTRY}/${productName}-${componentName}:latest"

The latest tag is used to mark the latest image that was built. This should not be used directly and where possible an exact version should be specified. This makes deployments using rolling updates easier and allows easy rollback should issues be encountered.